Archive | March 2014

Weird Island

Weird Island now available for Android devices! For free!


Two pages from a diary

Page 1.

In 2893 AD, I abandoned the time machine in the cave under the waterfall.


Page 2.

I’d carried the time machine over many lands, crossing rivers and oceans, highways and skyways, space and – briefly – hyperspace. I landed on the north-east of the island around mid-day with four objectives:

1. Hide the time machine, hurriedly.

2. Make a quick sketch of the island.

3. Gather as much fruit as I could carry.

4. Leave the island as quickly as possible.

The irony of not having enough time to satisfactorily hide a time machine did not escape me. But life has many little ironies, coincidences, or whatever people may choose to call them. Sometimes we notice them, sometimes we don’t. Sometimes they’re there, sometimes they’re not. Sometimes we think they’re there when they’re not, well you get the picture.

The time machine was damaged when an ancient sundial fell onto it, some time in the future. Make of that what you like. But under the circumstances, the damage could have equally been caused by numerous other objects that day: a falling boulder, a runaway mechanical elephant or dealt a hefty thwack by the Loch Ness Monster. It was that kind of a day.

None of the controls function properly, so I removed the control panel and buried it on the island. Luckily I found an old screwdriver, rusty but it held together. Only the start button remains. It is impossible to know what may happen if someone tries to use it. The most unlikely outcome is that it will do nothing. Other than that, I cannot say: except I dare not press it.

In the wrong hands, the time machine could prove very dangerous. On the other hand, in the right hands it could also prove very dangerous. Probably best not to use it except as a last resort.
